doors open 10am
Cosplay Contest

Welcome to our cosplay contest at Mission City Heroes Fest!
Below you will find the basic rules and guidelines for our contest.
Cosplay categories for Mission City Hero Fest are:
We will have Children's categories and adult category
We have limited spaces available, so get registered asap.
1. First Place Best in Show prize is $ and a gift.
2. Second place prize is $ and a gift. 3. Third place prize gift bag.
ALL places will get a trophy.
4. Craftsmanship is a cosplay gift basket and $.
For the Children- we are Taking the first
15 Children to Reg, ages 5-12 years old. Children are not required to make all of their cosplay, BUT we would like to see some part of it hand made. They will go on first, and prizes will be handed out at the end of the WHOLE contest. We expect ALL parents and children to remember this is for fun, and we will remove ANYONE acting in poor sportsmanship.
1. 1st place Child-Gift bag, award and $.
2. 2nd place Child-Gift bag, award and $.
Contest Info-
Pre-judging will happen at a set time. Check the schedules that will at the door. Once you are pre-judged please return to the line up in order with your number visible.
1. Cosplayers will receive roughly 15 seconds to walk across and stop on 2 designated posing spots while crossing.
2. You are allowed to come on as a group. Groups can consist of 1-3 participants, but if you win, you only get the said prize to be given for your winning category. It's your responsibility to divide it up, not our staff's.
3. Nudity is NOT considered a Costume! Any Cosplay that shows organs that you wouldn’t show your parents will NOT be allowed to participate. (Keep it PG-13, people!)
4. Vulgar or extremely sexual poses will NOT be allowed and will be grounds for immediate disqualification.
5.Heroes Charity Con encourages competitors to bring costumes to our competition that have not previously won awards. Any person found to be entering a costume which has previously taken a major award at a larger convention (also known as sandbagging) will be immediately disqualified, and risks being barred from future competitions.
1. All competitors are required to make 75% constructed on your own. Store bought costumes can be worn but cant be considered for the prize.
2. If the competitor’s costume was constructed by a third party, the third party must be mentioned.
3. Some costumes of simplistic design may raise questions about whether “enough” of the costume was constructed by the competitor. As a general rule, at least 75% of the costume must be constructed or heavily modified by the competitor to be considered for a craftsmanship award.
4. Cosplay staff and judges may disqualify any entrant at any time for not meeting craftsmanship requirements if competing in the Craftsmanship award category.
5. MOST Important: we want all who compete to have fun. Cosplay is about an artistic expression of your character, so smile and show us how much you love your cosplay!
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