doors open 10am
Convention Rules
Wristband must be worn at all times during the convention where it is easily visible for staff and other attendees.
Harassment or bullying will not be tolerated. We are a charity based convention and want all who attend to have fun and safely enjoy themselves. Mission City Heroes Fest staff reserves the right to revoke your badge without question if any bullying occurs. If need be, Mission City Heroes Fest staff can, and will, hand over anyone who is not following the rules to SAPD. All Staff decisions are final.
Mission City Heroes Fest is an alcohol and drug free convention! No attendee, staff, or guests will be allowed to drink any kind of alcohol at the convention. If you come to the convention under the influence of alcohol (or other substances) you will be asked to leave. If you are caught providing alcohol or drugs to anyone at the convention you will be banned from the convention permanently.
There are NO REFUNDS for convention badges. The convention runs rain or shine.
All children under the age of 12 must be escorted by a parent or guardian at ALL TIMES.
Due to the times we live in PLEASE respect peoples personals space and right to wear a mask or not. We will have sanitizer on the tables.
We ask those to please NOT attend if you are sick.
Weapons Policy
ALL who enter will go through a weapons check, if we miss you at the door we will have staff walking around doing checks. If a staff member stops you to do a weapons check, please kindly allow them to check. Real weapons are not allowed!
No metal swords, knives, bayonets, cane-swords, and/or other objects made of metal, which have a sharp point or sharpened edge. No real or replica guns of any kind permitted. (e.g. No Pellet guns, air Guns, mini or pistol crossbows, stun guns, dart guns, or blowguns.)
Exceptions regarding toy guns
Easily identifiable toy plastic guns with no moving parts and that have a clearly visible non-removable orange tip will be permitted. Resin models will be permitted as long as they are marked with clearly visible non-removable orange tip.
Nunchakus are not permitted. Nunchakus made out of craft materials for cosplay purposes will be permitted within the confines of the cosplay contest. There are to be no explosives or chemicals of any kind (e.g. smoke powder, sparklers, fireworks, etc.)
Prop weapons that are permitted include: wooden staffs, wooden walking sticks, wood bokken and other wooden swords, light sabers. Prop or made-up weaponry (example: made of wood, plastic, foam, plaster of Paris, cloth etc.) are permitted if they are safe and not dangerous to the other con-goers around you.
If you have a question about a prop, please do not assume it is legal; ask a staff member!
Misuse of any weapon, such as swinging it in a public area or causing hazards to passersby, will get your privileges revoked immediately.
If we deem a weapon to be unsafe for the con, we will ask you to store the unsafe weapon in your car. If there is a repeat offense, or if the weapon is illegal, we will turn you in to SAPD or Security Staff.
Dress Code Rules
Note: Shirts must cover the sides and bottoms of the breasts as well as the nipple area on men and women. Mesh shirts and the like do not count as sufficient cover.
Short skirts, kilts, etc. must be accompanied by proper underwear/shorts. Ineffective underwear, or a lack thereof, constitutes indecent exposure. Underwear, or the fact that no underwear is present, should not be visible.
No lingerie costumes allowed.
Nudity, or the illusion of such, is strictly forbidden both in the hall and during cosplay. Please do not wear clothing with distasteful messages or words. Mission City Heroes Fest is a family friendly convention and there will be children present. This holds true for signs that are held or messages/words written on shirts. PG only please!
All costumes must follow weapons policy.
Costumes should not extend far enough from the wearer to impede foot traffic or present an impact risk to other attendees, if your cosplay is large please have a handler. Mission City Heroes Fest is NOT held accountable if your prop gets broken, nor are we held responsible for any fall, or personal injury to you, or any person attending the convention.
Proper footwear is required at all times. An exception to this rule is for cosplayers during the cosplay contest only. Otherwise, please keep some sort of shoe on at all times.
No Rollerblades, roller-skates, wheeled shoes, or skateboards. An exception to this rule is for cosplayers during the cosplay contest.
Hateful symbols aren’t welcome at the Mission City Heroes Fest. Historical costumes can be great, but reminders of unspeakable atrocities are not appropriate.
No signs offering services or making requests to be hugged or touched. We all know some of you like hugs, but please don’t carry around a sign saying so. Ask politely before hugging a stranger; you could really hurt someone by tackling them. Respect each other and we’ll all have a great time!
Photography is not allowed in high-traffic areas. This includes entry/exit doors and busy hallways. We welcome all photos but please ask before you snap a picture of some and NEVER take inappropriate pictures of someone, we will call the police and will press charges.
Mission City Heroes Fest staff have final say on any dress code violations. Arguing with convention staff about dress code decisions will result in your badge being confiscated, and you will be escorted off of the premises.
The Mission City Heroes Fest staff reserves the right to alter rules or policies to protect public safety to ensure a safe and successful convention.
Rules must also be followed by all media/photographers as well.